Marking Earth Overshoot Day 2021
On the 29th of July 2021, the world reached Earth Overshoot Day, the date when our demand for ecological resources each year exceeds what the planet can regenerate in that year. Here, Adrie Fourie looks at how this impacts cities and their inhabitants.
+31st August 2021

Alliances for Climate Action – we’re taking Climate Action seriously!
Solid Green has signed up to Alliances for Climate Action! This initiative is a call to the private sector, cities, provinces, investors, and universities to work together and with our national government to collectively achieve a nett carbon neutral economy by 2050 and champion more ambitious NDC’s.
+4th May 2020

Professional Leadership towards a more Resilient Future
As public health leaps to the fore in both local and global social and economic agendas, Marloes Reinink believes that in-depth collaboration is critical between the public and private sectors in planning, building and managing cities – as we navigate the increasingly complex road towards a more resilient and inclusive future.
+30th April 2020

Living Future Collaborative SA’s Inaugural Events
On 20 and 21 November 2019, the Living Future Collaborative South Africa hosted two presentations in Johannesburg and Pretoria respectively, as part of the ‘24 Hours of Reality: Truth in Action’ daylong worldwide conversation about the climate crisis and how to solve it.
+10th December 2019

Paying for Pollution: the shadow price of carbon
As concerns grow over the impacts of climate change, policy makers and industries are looking for ways to effectively gauge the economic cost of carbon emissions, related to environmental and social impacts. Here, Jesse Hamman shares her thoughts around the shadow price of carbon.
+27th June 2019

Water: Capture, Filter and Reuse
The supply of fresh potable water is an issue that continues to generate considerable media attention. Gavin Westbrook investigates the principle causes of water shortages and looks at positive actions that can be taken to mitigate the problem.
+27th July 2017