Streetlight Schools – Jeppe Park Primary
Streetlight Schools – Jeppe Park Primary is the first school in South Africa to achieve a 4 Star – Green Star SA Interiors v1 As Built Rating, demonstrating ‘Best Practice’.
7Streetlight Schools – Jeppe Park Primary is built on the floor of an old shoe factory in inner city Johannesburg, within walking distance of the Metrorail, Rea-Vaya, two taxi ranks and bus stops providing alternative methods for staff and visitors to commute to and from the school.
Streetlight Schools’ focus on high quality low cost education puts the well-being of the students first. As a naturally ventilated building with many windows the students have access to healthy indoor spaces. Clever use of locally sourced materials allows for acoustically designed spaces such as classrooms, libraries, play and social-areas suited to educational purposes. School ground greening allows for various outdoor activities as well as the inclusion of nature as an integral part of learning and development.
An Occupancy and Wellness Users’ Guide has been developed for the Streetlight Schools Interior fitout to enlighten occupants with regards to transport facilities, local amenities available in the area, how to use building services to the optimum potential as well as all aspects regarding staff and student wellness.
Streetlight Schools has made an effort to reduce their waste generation by developing and implementing an Operational Waste Management Plan and providing separation bins, food waste recycling ‘Bokashi’, composting and recycling waste storage areas. Education of students in all areas of development and sustainability is evident when you visit the children at the school over a period.
Sustainable building features
- Provision of Tuning for all services and installations to ensure they operate to their optimal design potential.
- Environmental Management Plan implemented for all construction phases
- Waste Management Plan implemented to reduce 30% construction waste
- Post-occupancy survey conducted for all occupants
- Naturally Ventilated Spaces in accordance with SANS 10400-O:2011
- Indoor Plants suited for indoor spaces included in the design
- Exceeded commuting mass transport and local connectivity requirements
- Water and Energy sub-meters provide metering to allow the school to monitor consumption
- Energy Star ® rated appliances
- All printers and photocopy equipment are certified as having low emissions.
- Low volatile organic compounds adhesives, sealants and carpets reducing the internal air pollutant levels.
- Materials and furniture mostly reused and locally sourced
Building information
Address: 28 Madison Street, Jeppestown, Johannesburg, 2025
Total gross floor area: 1 369.63 m2
Total usable school area: 1 260.03 m2