Boogertman Johannesburg
The Boogertman Johannesburg Interior a new building in the Main Straight Office Park, developed by RPP (2017), is a boutique 4-Star Design Office v1.1 building.
7The Boogertman Johannesburg is situated in the heart of Bryanston, opposite the Post House Centre, and is targeting a Green Star base building rating as well. The Interior boasts the innovative design talents of this Architectural firm, which sets them apart from the rest.
For more info and pictures for the Boogertman Interior, see our article here.
Sustainable building features include
- The heating ventilation and air conditioning system is a cooled air system. Making use of minimal water usage. Fresh air rate is supplied at 12,5l/s/ person for 100% of the usable area.
- Lighting zones do not exceed 100m2 zones.
- Hot water supplied via heatpump.
- The lighting power density for 95% ofthe UA is less than 2.0W/m2 per 100.
- Water closets, urinals and tape fixtures all reduce water consumption.
- Paints, adhesives sealants and carpets have low VOC emissions.
- Integrated BMS system records and logs the all energy and water usage within the building and can be displayed in real time.
- Indoor plant requirements exceeded in the well designed space.
- Staircase design takes preference as the central library staircase invites visitors in promoting healthy occupant habits.
Building Information
Address: Block C The Main Straight Office Park, 392 Main Rd, Bryanston
Total gross floor area: 2265 m2
Total commercial office area: 2265 m2
Car parking area: 101 bays
Project Team
OWNER: RPP Developments
ARCHITECT: Boogertman + Partners
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: Aftek Consulting Engineers
FIRE ENGINEER: Specialist Fire Technology
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS: Sutherland Engineers
WET SERVICES: Sutherland Engineers
MAIN CONTRACTOR: Iguana Contractors
PROJECT MANAGER: CPD Project Management
LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT COMPANY: Seaton Environmental Consulting
Dear Sir/Ms
I am a second year architectural student at the University of Johannesburg. I have recently been in tasked to submit information on your Boogertman + Partners project from 2017. Please could you make the following information available to me:
– the solar effect on the building e.g shading devices used
– heat flow through the building
– natural ventilation strategies used
– acoustic insulation
Kind regards
Brittany van der Westhuizen