MultiChoice City

MultiChoice City

This new 35 000 m² green-office space for MultiChoice employees achieved a 5-star Green Star SA Office V1 Design certification in December 2013, and a 5-Star Green Star SA Office V1 As-Built Certification in February 2016.

MultiChoice City, situated on the corner of Republic Road and Bram Fischer Drive, is the new green-office space for MultiChoice employees.

Sustainable Building Features

  • Grey water collection from the gym and re-use for toilet/urinal flushing.
  • Efficient light fittings and motion sensors.
  • The whole professional team and contractor has Green Star SA Accredited Professional status.
  • Ice-storage to reduce the energy peak demand.
  • Drought resistant plants minimising the need for irrigation.
  • CO sensors in the basement minimise ventilation fan energy.

GBCSA Case Studies

Download the GBCSA case study for MultiChoice City.

  • 5-star Green Star SA Office v1 Design
    5-star Green Star SA Office v1 As Built
  • Pretoria, Multichoice


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