De Zicht Lifestyle Centre

De Zicht Lifestyle Centre

Situated within the De Zicht lifestyle estate developed by Balwin Properties, the single-storey community centre project hosts a plethora of amenities such as a gym, laundromat, offices and spa.

The design of a traditional rustic farmhouse rooted in nature, peacefulness and simplicity consists of simple initiatives which contribute to the sustainability of the entire estate. The De Zicht Lifestyle Centre has implemented internal building service and architectural sustainability initiatives which are recognised as world leadership.

Sustainable building features include

  • Sub-metering of major energy consuming systems is in place. Gathering information is key to understanding and managing building systems and to assess opportunities for energy savings.
  • Minimisation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions associated with operational energy consumption is reduced. An energy model of the building was generated and in the design stages of the building compared to a notional building model. The building design showed an improvement of 100% (net zero operating emissions base building) over a SANS 10400 notional building.
  • Provision is made to ensure all individual spaces or enclosed spaces are individually switched. This will offer greater flexibility for light switching, making it easy to light only occupied areas.
  • The buildings peak electrical demand is actively reduced by the use of Photo voltaic system.
  • A direct visual connection to the external environment is provided for 80% of the Community Centre Occupied Area. A high level of thermal comfort is ensured by addressing the internal operative temperatures through modelling and ensuring they are within the ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 Acceptability Limits for at least 98% of occupied hours.
  • All selected gaseous and fire suppression systems and thermal insulants used for the development have an Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) of zero, to eliminate any contributions to long-term damage to the earth’s stratospheric ozone layer.
  • A project specific Environmental Management Plan was developed and implemented throughout the duration of construction to establish guidelines to follow to minimise the environmental impact associated with construction activities. A project specific Waste Management Plan was developed and implemented to minimise the contribution of waste going to landfill.
  • The building achieves savings through the use of water efficient fittings, rainwater harvesting and a grey water system installed to reuse water used in the laundromat as irrigation.
  • Sub-metering of major water consuming systems is in place. Gathering information is key to understanding and managing building systems and to assess opportunities for water savings.
  • Balwin Properties has exceeded the target by implementing several innovative measures which allow for a world leading building and also encourage the improvement of their contractor and design professional team. This is done through GBCSA online courses and further metering education measures.
  • Learning resources are found throughout the whole internal and external fabric of the development. A public display shows the energy and water usage and indoor air quality levels within the development.
  • The lifestyle centre promotes the use of alternative fuel vehicles, motorbikes and bicycles by designating parking spaces near building entrances for occupants with zero to low carbon emitting modes of transport.

Building Information

Address: Milnerton, Cape Town, 7441
Total gross floor area:  601.16 m²
Total PEB Site area:  2 812.15 m²
Car parking area:  12 bays

Project Team

OWNER: Balwin Properties
 ENGINEER: Neil LYNERS and Associates
QUANTITY SURVEYOR: Balwin Properties
MAIN CONTRACTOR: Balwin Properties
PROJECT MANAGER: Balwin Properties
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT: Doug Jeffery Environmental Consultants
LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT COMPANY: Gordon’s Garden and Waste Management

Case Study

Download the PDF file .

  • 6-star Green Star Public & Education Building v1 Design
  • Milnerton, Balwin Properties


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