39 Melrose Boulevard
The beautifully designed 39 Melrose Boulevard is home to the multi-disciplinary engineering company Worley Parsons. This seven storey building achieved a 4-Star Green Star SA Office v1 Design certification in December 2013, and is registered for As Built certification.
7- Building is linked to the district cooling centre that supplies the precinct with cold water for Air Conditioning
- Rainwater is harvested, collected and re-used for toilet flushing and irrigation
- Green wall in reception area cools and cleans the air
- The building is connected to the Eco-Centre from which all waste is separated and recycled
- Access to public transport is excellent
- Energy and water meters are in place and linked to the BMS to meter and manage consumption
good day,
I am currently busy with an assignment on green building, I, therefore, would like to ask some few questions as I am interested in your projects;
1, kindly request you to furnish me with the information on the project cost
2, What is the maintenance plan for this type of development
3, was the lifecycle analysis conducted during the design stage of this development
kind regards