Lockdown Education Activities
While the Covid-19 lockdown has certainly been an unexpected journey, it has provided an opportunity for team members to improve their knowledge and skills in line with best international practice and emerging trends in the built environment.
+7th July 2020
Our New Office: Chapter 4
Solid Green’s move out of our old home in Rosebank coincided with the global COVID-19 pandemic and delays on the site of our new home in Parkhurst. Marloes Reinink talks about how the company is coping in these strange and uncertain times
+4th May 2020
COVID-19: Driving Change Together
At Solid Green, we believe in driving change. Change towards a more conscious, connected and responsible way of living and doing business. The Covid-19 pandemic has presented us all with the opportunity to rethink how we conduct ourselves socially and in business – as we draw on our collective resilience to navigate this unprecedented challenge.
+30th March 2020