iKusasa demonstrates Sustained Sustainability
The iKusasa building, situated in Johannesburg’s Oxford Parks Precinct, is the first in developer Intaprop’s portfolio to achieve a 6-Star Green Star As Built Rating, which was officially awarded in May 2024.
+12th June 2024

Ikusasa, 7 Parks Boulevard: Setting the tone for a sustainable future
The most recently completed building in the mixed-use Oxford Parks precinct is 7 Parks Boulevard, located at the corner of Eastwood Road in Dunkeld. The Ikusasa Building (the Zulu word for ‘future’), developed by Intaprop, received a 6-star Green Star Office v1.1. Design certification in July and is targeting the As Built and Interiors certifications as well as a Net Zero Level 1 certification.
+22nd September 2022